10 Best GoT Deaths: Most Satisfying to Least Satisfying

As everyone knows, not a single character was safe while watching Game of Thrones, and many of us lived in fear as we watched every episode of our beloved fantasy series. However, there are also plenty of deaths that we yearned for, and that is exactly what this article is about: celebrating the most satisfyingContinue reading “10 Best GoT Deaths: Most Satisfying to Least Satisfying”

How Can Lia Thomas Take Away Women’s Victories As a Woman?

Despite Lia Thomas following all of the NCAA’s rules about competing in a different gender category, it seems like it is not enough to keep many female athletes and others content. Per the title of this article, many people feel like she is taking away wins from women. As we struggled to figure out whyContinue reading “How Can Lia Thomas Take Away Women’s Victories As a Woman?”

The 9 Top Tweets You Need to See About Tiger Woods

With Tiger Woods coming back to golf in The Masters a short 508 days after nearly losing his leg, Twitter is blowing up with all kinds of memes, praise, and opinions. Don’t worry, we pulled the highlights for you though. 1.) Some actual information on the entire situation so that you can enjoy the memesContinue reading “The 9 Top Tweets You Need to See About Tiger Woods”

Animals/Animal Shelter Crowdtangle

My Crowdtangle list for this assignment has the theme: Animals/Animal Shelters What page on my list posts the most content? How much? Is it working for them? @austincatsanddogsrescue posts the most, they post about 9.14 times a day, and considering they had the second-highest growth percentage this week I would say it is. From the pagesContinue reading “Animals/Animal Shelter Crowdtangle”

David Comeaux’s Top 6 Spots in Mandeville

I recently had the opportunity to ask David Comeaux (far right) of American Factory Direct, a 3rd generation family-owned furniture business, about some of his favorite spots in Mandeville, Louisiana. As a local business member himself, he gave me tons of local spots to support while you’re in town. 1.) For casual dining, he pickedContinue reading “David Comeaux’s Top 6 Spots in Mandeville”

The Top 13 Tweets from the Super Bowl

As monumental as the Super Bowl is every year, some of us just don’t keep up with the NFL or sports in general. However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t get to enjoy the memes created every year, so I present to you 13 amazing tweets that require zero context from the Super Bowl itself.Continue reading “The Top 13 Tweets from the Super Bowl”

WordPress Embedding Exercise About Dogs

Here’s an example of a snipped image from a website. Here’s a Screen Grab from my phone. (Hint: use AirDrop) Here’s an example of a funny or relatable meme. Here are three examples of GIFs. Here are two Facebook posts. Here are three Tweets. Here is an Instagram post. Here is a TikTok video. Here isContinue reading “WordPress Embedding Exercise About Dogs”

Welcome the 9th member of Memphis Zoo’s giraffe herd!

The Memphis Zoo family of giraffes has just grown a bit bigger with the birth of a new baby they have decided to name Mashamba. She is the second baby in one year to her mother, Akili. Akili had “Bogey” prior to Mashamba, and she did not have the normal material instincts to help nurtureContinue reading “Welcome the 9th member of Memphis Zoo’s giraffe herd!”