ATTENTION: You can now buy Girl Scout Cookies online

Yes, you heard correctly. Everyone’s favorite cookies are now orderable online, so no more worrying about getting your hands on some if you don’t know a Girl Scout!

Starting today, February 1st, 2022, you can use the Girl Scouts’ Cookie Finder at to search for booths near you or you can order them online.

Their CEO, Becky Traweek, is so excited to release their virtual cookie booths so that people can still safely support their Girl Scouts during the pandemic and open the door for people to support the Girl Scouts even if they don’t know one personally.

You can also support the Girl Scouts through their “Cookies for Heroes” program, and in case you needed another reason to buy yourself some cookies (as if, right?), you would get to show some girls how to be an entrepreneur and the rewards of hard work.

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